Contemporary Art Romania
23 March 2006
15 March 2006
Ioana Alexe-Ecker, Aura Balanescu, Yukihiro Ikutani, Seiji Morimoto, Fumie Wada, Mitsuhito Wada
Raul Arroyo, Ioana Alexe-Ecker, Yurie Ido, Yukihiro Ikutani, Shintaro Miyazaki & Haruko Maeda, Violeta Leiva Martinez, Seiji Morimoto, Juan Carlor Rey, Dana Sereda, Atsushi Yamamoto
17.03.2006; 19h
Tetsuya Hori, Izumi Ose, Seiji Morimoto
Galeria H.arta
p-ta Iuliu Maniu 3, et. 2
Posted by
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
07 March 2006
Trans:it. Moving Culture Through Europe
NowHere Europe*
10 martie/ 10 march /vernisaj / opening starting from 17h00
MNAC. Palatul Parlamentului, Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucuresti
Mario Airò * Can Altay * Patrick André * An Architektur * Atelier van Lieshout * Baktruppen * Shigeru Ban * Massimo Bartolini * Matei Bejenaru * Luchezar Boyadjiev * Irina Botea * Eva Brunner-Szabo * Campement Urbain * Mircea Cantor * Monserrat Cortadellas Bacaria * matali crasset * Călin Dan * Esra Ersen * Gelatin * Ion Grigorescu * Gülsün Karamustafa * Kimsooja * Iosif Király * Athanasia Kyriakakos * A.P.Komen & Murphy * Aydan Murtezaoğlu * Lucy Orta * Osservatorio Nomade * Maria Papadimitriou * Cesare Pietroiusti * Oda Projesi * Bülent Sangar * School of Missing Studies * Škart * Sean Snyder * Simon Starling * Socrates Stratis * Anne-Violaine Taconet * Krassimir Terziev * Barthélémy Toguo * Gert Tschögl * Urban Void * Jeanne van Heeswijk * Erik van Lieshout * Mona Vatamanu & Florin Tudor * Zafos Xagoraris * Edwin Zwakman
*curator : Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
Boardul curatorial consultativ/ Curatorial Advisory Board: Ruxandra Balaci, Iara Boubnova, Anselm Franke, Germana Jaulin, Katerina Koskina, Marco Scottini, Pelin Tan, Nina Vagiç.
Trans:it. Moving Culture Through Europe este un proiect de cercetare itinerant desfasurat pe durata a 3 ani care investigheaza teme stringente şi producţii artistice ale culturii contemporane europene, un laborator de analiza a diverselor practici artistice în teritoriu.
Trans:it. Moving Culture Through Europe is an itinerant 3 years research project that deals with the most urgent themes of contemporary culture and artistic production in Europe . An observatory/laboratory on the various practices of artistic intervention on the territory.
Incepand cu ora 17.00 sunteti invitati la o discutie informala moderata de Ruxandra Balaci şi Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, cu prezentarea cartii “The [un] common place. Art, public space and urban aesthetics in Europe” cu participarea artistilor romani implicati.
Starting from 5PM you are invited to an informal discussion moderated by Ruxandra Balaci and Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, the presentation of the book “The [un] common place. Art, public space and urban aesthetics in Europe” with the participation of the Romanian artists involved in the project.
18h30 deschiderea expozitiei/ opening of the exhibition
organizator / organizer : Fondazione Adriano Olivetti in colaborare cu/ with European Cultural Foundation, Fondation de France, Fondation Evens, The J. F. Costopoulos Foundation, cu sprijinul/ with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.
MNAC partners: BRD, HP
Sponsors: Institutul Italian de Cultura, Peroni
Media partners: B-24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Observator Cultural
Cosmin TapuCommunication & IR Dept. / tel. + 40 721831385
The National Museum of Contemporary Art ,
2-4, Str. Izvor,
aripa E4,
Bucharest (RO),
Posted by
Vlad Nancă
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
05 March 2006
Jurnalul lui Andy Warhol ca blog...
Uite ce zice Fi5e:
This is Andy Warhol’s diary entries posted exactly 29 years to the day after they were first recorded. All text is taken directly from the publication the Andy Warhol Diaries, edited by Pat Hackett. All notes and comments made by the editor have been removed. The Diary spans just over 10 years, bringing this project to completion in Febuary, 2016.
click here to view:
Posted by
Vlad Nancă
Sunday, March 05, 2006
04 March 2006
call for projects
*/SEAS /*/is a pan-European, interdisciplinary arts project, weaving together experiences and expressions from different coasts. It focuses on harbours as places of mobility, migration and history. In 2002-2005, SEAS connected the Baltic and Adriatic regions. It has now moved to a new horizon, the Black and the North Seas. As a platform under continuous development and change, SEAS highlights the central challenge of the European project.
*SEAS staff to Bulgaria and Romania*SEAS artistic director *Chris Torch* and associate producer *Adam Jeanes* will visit Bulgaria 7-10 March and Romania 11-14 March. Theywill present the Black/North SEAS project to potential partners, artists and journalists and negotiate future collaborations.
Two major presentations will be held: in *Sofia *(7 march), with the kind collaboration of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and the Euro-Bulgarian Cultural Centre; and in *Bucharest* (13 march) hosted by Uniter. In addition Chris and Adam will visit Varna, Balchik and Kavarna (Bulgaria) and Constanta and Mangalia (Romania).
This step of Black/North SEAS is also part of the project 25++, initiated by AFAA (Associacion Francaise d’Action Artistique), which involves Bulgarian and Romanian organisations, among others.
With the generous support of THEOREM.
*Search for SEAS venues in UK*
Adam Jeanes visited the Lincolnshire coastal resort of Skegness with James McVeigh from Arts Council England East Midlands and met representatives from the County, District and Town Council to discuss the possibility of SEAS coming to the town in 2007 and involving artists from the East Midlands in the SEAS project as a whole.
Skegness is a well-known UK seaside town famous for its wide sandy beeches and its holiday caravan parks. It is the fourth most popular seaside resort in England. The town's mascot is the Jolly Fisherman (nearly 100 years old) and its slogan 'Skegness is so Bracing' is a British icon.
Elsewhere in the East Midlands region is Leicester, likely to be one of the first European cities to have a majority 'non-white' population in next ten years; Sherwood Forest the hideout of folklore hero Robin Hood; and Grantham, the home town of both Sir Isaac Newton and Margaret Thatcher.
Chris Torch and Adam Jeanes will return to Nottingham in March to consolidate SEAS' relationshipwith the region by holding a *seminar*, hosted by the Arts Council, that will focus on intercultural competence and international working.
*SEAS training in Odessa
***SEAS and the Association New Music (Odessa, Ukraine) are working together towards organising an Arts Management Training Seminar in Odessa in April. The training session is planned within the framework of the International Festival of Modern Art Two Days and Two Nights of New Music/2D2N on 21-25 April 2006. The festival 2D2N is produced annually by the Association New Music since 1995.
SEAS Managing Director Tomas Bokstad and Associate Producer Adam Jeanes will be visiting the festival and guiding parts of the training session. The Directors of the festival visited Stockholm earlier in february to discuss a long term partnership with SEAS.
**Call for Applications: Arts Management Partner*Intercult is recruiting two Art Management Partners to work at our office in Stockholm on the project Black/North SEAS, for a period of 6 months starting in september 2006. Applicants should be emerging cultural operators and citizens of Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine, Romania or Bulgaria.
Deadline is 20 March 2006. The official call is available on
*/3 March 2005Chris Torch, Tomas Bokstad, Adam Jeanes, Eldina Efendic, Linda Persson,Yuliana Yankova, Åsa Simma, Mamadou Sene/*/_www.intercult.se_ - _www.culturebase.net_//*INTERCULTNytorgsgatan 15, 116 22 Stockholm, Swedentel - work: +46.8.644 10 23*//Intercult is a production and education unit based in Stockholm, Sweden. Founded in 1992 and re-structured in 1996, Intercult has grown to become a hub of local, regional and international cultural exchange. Internationally, the focus is on large-scale co-production clusters like SEAS (ongoing) and Hotel Europa (2000). We organise cultural policy gatherings and studies. Locally and nationally, Intercult produces artworks, arranges guest performances, distributes artists and develops audiences.Intercult receives structural funding from The Swedish National Council on Cultural Affairs, The City and the County of Stockholm. We have received generous grants through the years from The Foundation for the Future of Culture, SIDA, The Swedish Institute, The Nordic Cultural Fund, EU/Culture 2000 and the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). Thanks!Intercult is a active member of The European Forum for Arts and Heritage (EFAH), The Informal European Theatre Meeting (IETM), THEOREM and
Posted by
Saturday, March 04, 2006
03 March 2006
Miklos Onucsan la plan b
Galeria plan b are placerea sa va invite la vernisajul expozitiei
Miklos Onucsan - "Nedatat"
vineri 10 martie, orele 18-21.
Expozitia este provocata si conceputa de Mircea Cantor
Miklos Onucsan este o figura proemienta a generatiei optzeciste si unul dintre putinii artisti de azi pentru care "din negru - uzat definitiv, rezulta alb. Si invers." (M.O.)
Abslovent in 1979 al sectiei de ceramica a Institutului de Arte Plastice "Ion Andreescu" Cluj - clasa profesoarei Ana Lupas, Miklos Onucsan se impune printr-o viziune proprie adaptata nu atit contextului cit unui sens de urgenta. Astfel, multe din atitudinile sale vor lua de-a lungul timpului forma celor mai diverese medii. De la desen la obiect, de la ceara pina la animatie computerizata sau film, tot ce va fi tinta intereselor lui, va fi subordonat unei rigori conceptuale si unei analize profund motivate de necesitatea utilizarii unei anume 'materii' pentru o anume idee. Expozitia "Nedatat", chiar daca arata o paleta larga de preocupari din diversi ani, se afla sub numitorul comun al lui 'valabil' sau 'actual'.
Odata cu expozitia, anuntam publicarea unui catalog inedit, cu operele artistului mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute publicului.
Mircea Cantor si Mihai Pop
Lucrari prezentate:
Here rest the Grass (Aici se odihneste iarba) - foto, 2004
Camuflaj - obiect, 1994
Citron Yellow (Galben citron) - obiect, 1995
Am udat o potcoava ca pe o floare - obiect, 1994
CCH 2000 (Christian Card Heart 2000) - animatie, 2000
Animal Ficitv - relatare, film, 2003
Other Anual Rings (Alte cercuri anuale) - obiect, 2005
10- 31 martie 2006
marti-vineri orele 16-19
Programare prin telefon: 0742505901
Galeria Plan B
Str. Albert Einstein 14
400545 Cluj
Galeria Plan B este sustinuta de Target Capital - servicii de investitii financiare si Finas - servicii de consultanta
Miklos Onucsan - Other Anual Rings, 2006
Posted by
Vlad Nancă
Friday, March 03, 2006
01 March 2006
Revista Vector
Librariile Humanitas si Asociatia Vector din Iasi
va invita vineri, 3 martie 2006, ora 18, la libraria "Eugene Ionesco",
unde va fi lansat primului numar al revistei
Vector - arta si cultura in context
Matei Bejenaru, Catalin Gheorghe, Vlad Morariu - editori
Guillaume Robert - director al Centrului Cultural Francez din Iasi
George Onofrei - redactor sef al revistei "Suplimentul de cultura"
Revista Vector> este o publicatie de arta si cultura in context, careanalizeaza cu predilectie situatia artistica si culturala regionala, atarilor din Sud Estul Europei, aflate in tranzitie, si a zoneiOrientului Mijlociu, supusa presiunii conflictelor.
In raport cu rearticularea sociala, constientizarea politica sirestructurarea economica, situatia actuala a proliferarii siaccelerarii productiilor si practicilor culturii vizuale solicita oanaliza critica si reflexiva care ar putea oferi coordonatele uneireorientãri a atitudinilor si comportamentelor din perspectivarelationala a actiunii culturale.
Actionand ca o platforma proiect, publicatia Vector> isi propune saredistribuie informatia relevanta, sa asigure schimbul cultural si sãfaciliteze posibilitatea efectuarii unei expertize culturaleregionale.
Vector> Gallery
Cuza Voda 41, 1st Floor
700038 Iasi, Romania
tel/fax: +40 232 237 486
Posted by
Vlad Nancă
Wednesday, March 01, 2006