Contemporary Art Romania

19 December 2007

Back to the future / Cu spatele la viitor / Catalog

Pentru ca expozitia a durat numai trei zile si multi dintre voi n-au putut s-o vada, acum exista catalogul pdf. Atentie la citire!

Because the show only lasted for three days and many of you didn't have the chance to see it, now there is a pdf catalogue. Mind your reading!

Design catalog / Catalogue design: Dragos Platon

Download aici/here.

Back to the future / Cu spatele la viitor

7.11 – 10.11 2007, Galeria Noua

Anca Benera
Daniel Gontz
Cezar Lazarescu
Vlad Nanca
Mircea Nicolae
Dragos Platon
Tudor Prisacariu
Sonokolor (Ciprian Dicu si Sergiu Doroftei)

Expozitia reuneste tineri artisti ale caror lucrari investigheaza contextul socio-cultural romanesc dintr-o perspectiva istorica. Titlul expozitiei, acelasi cu al filmului SF al anilor '80, tradus literal si oarecum ironic, sintetizeaza spiritul expozitie – o cercetare a prezentului avind in minte trecutul mai mult sau mai putin recent al Romaniei, propunind in acelasi timp o abordare precauta a viitorului.

The exhibition brings together young artists whose works investigate the Romanian social and cultural context from a historical perspective. The title of the exhibition, same as the 1980’s SF film (and its literal and somewhat ironic translation in Romanian), is synthesizing the spirit of the show – an exploration of the present, keeping in mind the recent history of Romania and thus proposing a cautious approach to future.

Curator: Vlad Nanca

Expozitie realizata cu sprijinul: Programului Cultural Elvetian in Romania
The exhibition was supported by the Swiss Cultural Program in Romania

Andrei Pandele la MNAC

18 December 2007


Ion Grigorescu, Farfurie/Teller, Farbfotografie, 1983
15 December 2007 – 27 January 2008Opening: 14 December, 19h
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst e.V
Oranienstraße 25 - 10999 Berlin

Artistic and theoretical works broach the issue of developments in Romanian society by focussing on the subject of „food“. The conjunction of art and food or nutrition offers the possibility of analysing everyday life and the life styles as well as social and political coherences. The focus here lies on the years after the political turnaround in 1989, the fall of the „Iron Curtain“, and the developments connected to it- until January 2007 when the country accessed the EU.
The exhibition “Social Cooking Romania” shows current works of young Romanian artists that are complimented by a selection of artistic positions since the 70s and 80s. Furthermore a documentary section gives insight into past artistic projects and exhibitions on the subject.

Participating artists: Auditorium Group, Matei Bejenaru, Raluca C. E. Blidar, Geta Brătescu, Candida TV, Ulrike Ettinger, Constantin Flondor, M.A.N. Florian, Ion Grigorescu, Iosif Király, Katharina Koch, Aurelia Mihai, Olivia Mihălţianu, Dan Mihălţianu, Nita Mocanu, Ciprian Mureşan, Vlad Nancă, Ştefan Rusu, subREAL, Joanne Richardson, Patricia Teodorescu

In the accompanying catalogue the connection between food-art-society is explored more closely in detailed art history and sociological texts. Horea Avram gives insight into artistic positions that deal with the subject „food“ in the period from the 70s until now, whereas Irina Cios looks into current positions. In her contribution „Social Queuing“, Simina Badica reflects on the phenomenon of queuing in times of food scarcity during the 80s and Hilke Gerdes describes the current situation for agricultural production after the changes provoked by EU accession.
Exhibition Catalogue: German/Romanian
ISBN 978-3-938515-11-2

The exhibition "Social Cooking Romania" is supported by the Romanian Cultural Institute "TITU MAIORESCU" Berlin.

08 December 2007

Art Performance + proiectii de film
Bienala de la Venetia si Documenta Kassel 2007

Dumitrescu Doru
marti, 11 decembrie, Mansarda Facultatii de Arte Timisoara, ora 17