Contemporary Art Romania

28 July 2008

Akademie Schloss Solitude application round

For the twelfth time in 18 years the international residency program Akademie Schloss Solitude – located in Stuttgart, Germany – is granting approx. 65 residency fellowships of three to twelve months in duration. From 2009 to 2011 a total funding amount of 1.36 millions will be distributed: 860.000 Euro for grants and appr. 500.000 Euro for projects.

A public foundation opened in 1990 and funded by the State of Baden-Wurttemberg, the Akademie Schloss Solitude operates an international residency program awarding live/work fellowships to artists. Hundreds of artists from over 75 countries have developed and advanced projects at the Akademie since its opening, creating a close-knit, global network of Solitude alumni that expands from year to year.

International artists are invited to apply from the following disciplines: Architecture (architecture design, urban studies, landscape design), Visual Arts (including performance art and curatorial practice), Performing Arts (stage design, directing, dramaturgy, playwriting, dance, acting, musical theater, performance), Design (visual communication, fashion, costume, product or furniture design), Literature (theory/criticism, essay, poetry, fiction, translation), Music/Sound (sound installation, sound and music composition, sound and music performance) and Video/Film/New Media (including video installation).

For the second time, the application round also offers the possibility to apply for a residency fellowship in the art, science & business program. Scholars, scientists and professionals from the disciplines of the Humanities, the Natural Sciences and Economics are invited to apply.

Persons up to 35 or who have completed a university or college degree within the past five years are welcome to apply. Currently enrolled university or college students (at the time of application) will not be considered for selection. Each fellowship recipient is granted Euro 1.000 per month, in addition to free lodging. The independent jury consists of a jury chairperson and specialist jurors who independently allocate the fellowships for their respective disciplines.

The jurors for the twelfth application round are: Beatriz Colomina, Princeton/USA (Architecture), Dan Graham, New York/USA (Visual Arts), Christoph Schlingensief, Berlin/Germany (Performing Arts), Yves Béhar, San Francisco/USA (Design), Mircea Cartarescu, Bucharest/Romania (Literature), Lucia Ronchetti, Rome/Italy (Music/Sound) and Sarah Morris, New York/USA (Video/Film/New Media). For the art, science & business program: Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Stanford/USA (Humanities), Vadim Bolshakov, Boston/USA (Natural Sciences) and Caroline Gerschlager, Vienna/Austria (Economics).

Application deadline is October 31, 2008 (Postmark). As of July 1, application forms can be downloaded from the application website

18 July 2008

Dragos Platon - Portfolio

Dragos Platon lives and works in Bucharest and you can see his works here.

10 July 2008

Call for artists. URBAN ART 08



Call for artists. URBAN ART 08

Asociaţia Culturală Artmix anunţă deschiderea sesiunii de înscriere pentru a doua ediţie a festivalului de proiecţii arhitecturale URBAN ART, care va avea loc pe data de 20 septembrie 2008 în cadrul evenimentului “Noaptea Albă” organizat de ArCuB şi Primăria Municipiului Bucureşti.

URBAN ART propune expunerea lucrărilor de artă contemporană în spaţiul public al oraşului, ca intervenţii site-specific ce se raportează la arhitectura clădirii şi a zonei în care sunt amplasate, transformând-o pentru o noapte. Provocarea proiectului constă chiar în raportarea la context, opera de artă luând rolul unei membrane fluide ce îmbracă clădirea. Proiectul Urban Art explorează spaţiul public, dorind să creeze un context pentru reinterpretarea urbanului şi reactivarea spaţiilor prin artă.

Sesiunea de înscriere este deschisă artiştilor vizuali care doresc să participe cu idei originale de transformare a spaţiului public bucureştean prin artă. Aşteptăm lucrări din orice gen artistic, care nu au fost expuse în cadrul altor expoziţii şi care pot fi adaptate digital pentru proiectarea lor pe clădiri. Lucrările propuse pot fi atât imagini statice, cât şi animaţii sau materiale video cu sunet.

Dacă vrei să te afli printre artiştii participanţi la URBAN ART anul acesta trimite până la data de 7 august 2008 CV-ul tău însoţit de imaginile a trei lucrări la adresa de email În cazul în care vei fi selectat te vom contacta pentru mai multe informaţii.

Deadline: 7 august 2008
Pentru imagini de la URBAN ART '07 vizitează


Asociaţia Culturală Artmix
M: +40 726 778 082

09 July 2008

Sebastian Big makes zines

First, there was Crashomon. Then there was Clearskies. Now, there is Treaba.

01 July 2008

Aooleu online

Aooleu is online, go see it.