Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting
curator: Domenico Quaranta
scroll down for English
22 ianuarie- 13 martie 2009
MNAC, Calea 13 septembrie, Bucuresti
Prezentare /discutie: joi, 22 ianuarie 2009 / 18:00
Vernisaj: joi, 22 ianuarie 2009 / 19:00
Artisti: Lucas Bambozzi, Vaginal Davis, Quentin Drouet, Janez Jansa, Janez Jansa, Janez Jansa, Irwin, Eva and Franco Mattes (aka 0100101110101101. ORG), OHO group, SilentCell Network (Mare Bulc, Janez Jansa, Bojana Kunst, Igor Stromajer)
“RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting” prezinta in premiera lucrari realizate in ultimii trei ani in cadrul platformei “RE:akt!” produsa Aksioma.
In ultimii ani, termenul “re-enactment” si practicile desemnate de el s-au bucurat de un succes nebanuit in contextul artistic. Pe de o parte, acest succes pare sa fie datorat reactivarii artei performance- ului, atat ca practica artistica avand propria ei istorie, cat si ca gen gustat de noile generatii. Pe de alta parte, termenul “re-enactment” acompaniaza doua fenomene care - cel putin la prima vedere - au foarte putine puncte comune si anume: a reinscena performance- uri artistice din trecut si a revizita, sub forma performance- ului, evenimente “reale”, fie din trecut, fie din viata curenta.
“RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting” isi propune sa cerceteze complexitatea acestui concept, pentru ca in acelasi timp sa il si dizolve, printr-o abordare a termenului “re-enactment” nu doar ca “live action role-playing” ori “living history”, ci si ca strategie a criticii culturale, ca analiza si expresie artistica.
Joi, 22 ianuarie 2009, inaintea vernisajului, va avea loc o discutie publica la care participa Domenico Quaranta, curator al expozitiei; Janez Jansa, artist si director al Aksioma; si teoreticianul italian Antonio Caronia, co-editor al publicatiei RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting, ce se va lansa in martie 2009 (texte de Rod Dickinson, Jennifer Allen, Jan Verwoert, Antonio Caronia si Domenico Quaranta).
Pe 25 martie, expozitia va fi vernisata la SKUC gallery, Ljubljana (Slovenia) pentru ca apoi sa fie itinerata la Muzeul de Arta Moderna si Contemporana din Rijeka (Croatia).
Producator: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Cu sprijinul: European Cultural Foundation, Ministerul Culturii Sloven, Primaria Ljubljana
Multumiri: Institut Français de Bucarest, Irwin, Claude Lelouch - LES FILMS 13, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, MGLC - International Centre of Graphic Arts Ljubljana, RPS d.o.o.
Partener MNAC: BRD
Sponsori: Anthon Berg, Murfatlar
Parteneri media: 24Fun, Igloo, Arhitectura, Republik, feeder.ro
Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting
curated by: Domenico Quaranta
22 January - 13 March 2009
MNAC, Calea 13 septembrie, Bucharest
Panel /discussion: Thursday 22 January, 18:00
Exhibition opening: Thursday, 22 January,19:00
Featured artists: Lucas Bambozzi, Vaginal Davis, Quentin Drouet, Janez Jansa, Janez Jansa, Janez Jansa, Irwin, Eva and Franco Mattes (aka 0100101110101101. ORG), OHO group, SilentCell Network (Mare Bulc, Janez Jansa, Bojana Kunst, Igor Stromajer)
“RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting” is the world preview of the works realized in the last three years within the platform “RE:akt!” produced by the Slovenian cultural institution Aksioma.
During recent years the term re-enactment and the practices it refers to have enjoyed increasing success in the artistic context. On one hand, the success of re-enactment appears to be connected to a parallel, vigorous return to performance art, both as a genre practiced by the new generations, and as an artistic practice with its own historicization. On the other hand the term re-enactment accompanies two phenomena that at least at first glance have very little in common: re-staging artistic performances of the past, and revisiting, in performance form, “real” events – be they linked to history or current affairs, past or present.
“RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting” tries both to research on the complexity of this concept and to get rid of it, approaching re-enactment not merely as “live action role-playing” or “living history” but rather as a strategy for cultural critique, analysis and artistic expression.
On Thursday, January 22, MNAC will host a panel discussion featuring Domenico Quaranta, curator of the exhibition; Janez Jansa, artist and director of Aksioma; and the italian theoretician Antonio Caronia, co-editor of the book RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting, to be published on March 2009 (with contributions by Rod Dickinson, Jennifer Allen, Jan Verwoert, Antonio Caronia and Domenico Quaranta).
On March 25, the exhibition will travel to SKUC gallery, Ljubljana (Slovenia) and then further to the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka (Croatia).
Produced by: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
With the support of : European Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana
Thanks: Institut Français de Bucarest, Irwin, Claude Lelouch - LES FILMS 13, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, MGLC - International Centre of Graphic Arts Ljubljana, RPS d.o.o.
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MNAC partener: BRD
Sponsors: Anthon Berg, Murfatlar
Media partners: 24Fun, Igloo, Arhitectura, Republik, feeder.ro
Palace of Parliament / 2-4 Izvor St., Wing E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563 phone: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38, www.mnac.ro
Wednesday to Sunday, 10h -18