Contemporary Art Romania

22 September 2008

Andrei Cadere la MNAC

Andrei Cadere: Peinture sans fin
25 septembrie– 25 noiembrie 200

Concept: Karola Graesslin, Astrid Ihle si Bernard Marcelis
Curator: Magda Radu

joi, 25 septembrie, 19h00, vernisaj

joi, 25 septembrie, 15:00 – 18:00
Simpozion international:
In and Out of the Territory
Participanti: Sanda Agalidi (RO), Astrid Ihle (D), Bernard Marcelis (Be), Mihai Oroveanu (RO), Magda Radu (RO), Ioana Vlasiu (RO)

Andrei Cadere (1934 - 1978) este astazi privit drept unul dintre cei mai importanti protagonisti ai artei conceptuale. Artistul a plecat din Romania la Paris in anul 1967 si a devenit treptat cunoscut prin tenacitatea cu care a fortat limitele sistemului institutional al artei: la inceput printr-o strategie de "parazitare" a acestuia, afisindu-se cu inconfundabila bara de lemn la vernisaje si intilniri la care nu era invitat, pentru ca ulterior sa se impuna ca o figura cunoscuta a circuitului artistic, cu expozitii si prezentari in institutii importante.

Bara de lemn rotund, formata din segmente de diferite culori, asamblate dupa un sistem elaborat de permutari ce contineau invariabil o eroare, este obiectul emblematic care il insotea pretutindeni pe artist. Bara portabila nu poate fi privita si inteleasa in afara laturii performative a demersului lui Cadere, in afara conceptiei lui cu privire la expansiunea artei dincolo de limitele spatiale impuse de muzeu sau de galerie. Traseele urbane atent planificate, intilnirile si conversatiile cu oameni de pe strada sau cu personalitati ale lumii artei, prelegerile cu privire la conceptul matematic aplicat in realizarea barelor de lemn - toate aceste elemente intregesc imaginea unui artist aflat mereu "in actiune", pe deplin constient de legatura inextricabila dintre estetic si politic, dintre arta si viata.

Expozitia retrospectiva Andrei Cadere - Peinture sans fin, conceputa de Karola Graesslin, Astrid Ihle si Bernard Marcelis, a fost prezentata ?n octombrie 2007 - ianuarie 2008 la Staatlichen Kunsthalle Baden-Baden pentru a fi itinerata ulterior la Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris si la Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht. Pentru prezentarea din Bucuresti curatorul Magda Radu a regandit selectia si display-ul expozitiei.

In ziua vernisajului, simpozionul international organizat de MNAC urmareste sa ofere publicului local directii de lectura ale demersului artistic al lui Andrei Cadere: interventiile vor dezbate, pe de o parte, aspecte cheie ale metodei de lucru a artistului precum si rolul sau in definirea conceptului de critica institutionala, iar pe de alta parte vor contextualiza perioada romaneasca a artistului, oferind o perspectiva noua asupra evolutiei lui ulterioare. Conferintele vor fi publicate intr-un catalog bilingv editat de MNAC.


Andrei Cadere: Peinture sans fin
25 September– 25 November 2008

Concept: Karola Graesslin, Astrid Ihle si Bernard Marcelis
Curator: Magda Radu

Thursday, 25 September, 19h00, opening

Thursday, 25 September, 15:00 – 18:00
International symposium: In and Out of the Territory
: Sanda Agalidi (RO), Astrid Ihle (D), Bernard Marcelis (Be), Mihai Oroveanu (RO), Magda Radu (RO), Ioana Vlasiu (RO)

Andrei Cadere (1934 – 1978) is considered one of the most important protagonists of conceptual art. The artist left Romania and moved to Paris in 1967 and he gradually established himself through the tenacity with which he forced the limits of the art system, seeking its acceptance: at first he infiltrated himself at openings and events without being invited, carrying with him his emblematic wooden bar, and would later become a recognized figure in artistic circles, exhibiting and presenting his works in important institutions.

The rounded wooden bar – composed of segments of different colors and assembled according to an elaborate system of permutations that included an error each time – accompanied the artist whenever he moved around. The wooden bar cannot be detached from the performative aspect of Cadere’s practice or from his idea of expanding the limits of art beyond the walls of the museum or the gallery. His carefully planned urban “promenades”, his meetings and conversations with ordinary people or personalities, his conferences explaining the algorithm of permutations used in the making of the wooden bars – all these elements make up the image of an artist always “in action”, who deeply acknowledged the inextricable unity of aesthetics and politics, of art and life.

The retrospective exhibition Andre Cadere – Peinture sans fin was conceived by Karola Graesslin, Astrid Ihle and Bernard Marcelis and it was first on show at Kunsthalle Baden-Baden from October 2007 to January 2008; the exhibition was subsequently presented at Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris and the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht. For the MNAC presentation curator Magda Radu reshaped its format and display.

The international symposium organized by MNAC aims to provide various ways of approaching and interpreting Cadere’s working method as well as his role in what was termed ‘institutional critique’. On the other hand, the contributions addressing the artist’s formative years in Romania will provide insights into a lesser known period of his life and work and will maybe shed a new light on Cadere’s subsequent artistic development. The interventions to the symposium will be later published in a catalogue edited by MNAC.

Partener / partner: BRD
Sponsori/ sponsors: Murfatlar, Anthon Berg, salt & pepper catering
Parteneri media/ media partners: igloo, feeder, rfi, arhitectura, 24fun, republik


Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,
Miercuri/ Wednesday-duminica/ Sunday 10h-18h

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