Zilele strambe la Caminul Cultural
"ZILELE STRÂMBE" şi acţiunile practice asociate acestuia îşi propun să
abordeze, în mod performativ, forme şi probleme delicate sau generatoare
de tensiune în cadrul societăţii româneşti şi nu numai. De la
tensiunile rasiale la problemele de gen, la politicile reprezentării.
Demersul nostru nu îşi propune să repete iniţiativele activiste deja
existente, ci mai degrabă să forţeze limitele, să combine formele şi să
aducă în prim-plan discursurile şi proiectele artistice axate pe
subiecte care nu îşi găsesc locul cu uşurinţă în societatea romanească.
“ZILELE STRÂMBE” cuprind o serie de evenimente, ateliere şi spectacole ce vor avea loc între 18 octombrie – 25
în diferite spații din Bucureşti. Programul debutează cu spectacolul
“Aaleef”, al coregrafului marocan Taoufiq Izeddiou, la Teatrul Odeon din
Bucureşti şi se încheie cu marele bal “Little Paris is Burning!”.
Un proiect iniţiat de coregraful Brynjar Bandlien.
că a fi strâmb chiar şi un pic, a devia, a sări de pe fix, a altera, a
deraia de pe linia ce ţi s-a tras în faţă e fundamental frumos, moral şi
singurul mod viabil de a face politică şi de a privi istoria drept în
ochi. Strâmb, demn şi frumos!” (Cosmin Costinas)
in Romanian language means "crooked". It means something that is not
straight but it does not mean queer. It has a particular meaning that
allows us to use it in a rather "wide" sense. And of course, also in a
wild one.
STRÂMBE practice and program wants to performatively address and push
forms and issues that are fragile or tense in Romanian society but not
only. From the racial issues to gender questions, from the new
bio-religious demands to politics of representation. However ZILELE
STRÂMBE do not aim to double the existing activist activity. It rather
wants to push limits, mix forms and bring forward discourses and art
projects that address certain tensions. It is for the moment our most
important project. One that we find urgent. One that is missing. One
that brings together speech, representation, text and discourse.
STRÂMBE encompass a series of events, workshops and shows which are
taking place in the period 18 October – 25 November, in different spaces
in Bucharest.
program starts with the show “Aaleef”, of Moroccan choreographer
Taoufiq Izeddiou, at Odeon Theatre in Bucharest and ends with the Big
Ball “Little Paris is Burning!”.
A project initiated by choreographer Brynjar Bandlien.
being ever so little awry, deviating, running amok, diverging,
derailing from the rut that has been traced for you is something
fundamentally beautiful, morally just, in addition to being the only
viable way of engaging in politics as well as of looking history in the
eyes, and that in turn, because that rut or track that would have thus
gone on and on along the same fascist lines ad infinitum is irreversibly
dislocated. ‘Strâmb’, dignified and beautiful." (Cosmin Costinaş)
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