Contemporary Art Romania

22 May 2007

Alexandru Ciubotariu la Streetwise

Streetwise Gallery

Deschidere si vernisaj expozitie Alexandru Ciubotariu: 22 mai, ora 19.00

Inauguration and Alexandru Ciubotariu exhibition opening: 22 May, 19.00h

Galeria Streetwise
este un spatiu de proiect pentru artisti, graficieni si persoane creative de toate tipurile care au o legatura puternica cu mediul urban in practica lor artistica. Streetwise nu este un spatiu destinat exclusiv celor care fac street art sau graffiti. Streetwise este o platforma de expunere pentru cei care isi exprima creativitatea in mediul urban sau folosesc orasul ca sursa de inspiratie.

Streetwise gallery is a project space for artists, designers and creative people of all types that have a strong connection to the urban environment in their artistic practice. Streetwise is not a space designated exclusively to street artists and graffiti artists. Streetwise is a platform of visibility for those who express their creativity in the urban environment or use the city as a source of inspiration.

Program de vizitare:
sambata, duminica: 15-19
luni – vineri, cu programare la tel: 0723 240 434, 0723 304 125

Visiting hours:
Saturday, Sunday: 15-19
Monday – Friday, please phone: 0723 240 434, 0723 304 125

Noaptea galeriilor

Streetwise face parte din proiectul Noaptea Galeriilor si va fi deschisa pana la ora 04.00 in noaptea de 26-27 mai cand va avea loc un program special.

Night of the Galleries
Streetwise is part of the Night of the Galleries project and will pe open until 04.00h on the night of 26-27 May when there will be a special program.

Str Aurel Vlaicu nr 146,
colt cu Str Paul Greceanu
Langa statia de metrou Stefan cel Mare.
10 min pe jos din Piata Romana.
Cauta pe harta.

Str Aurel Vlaicu nr 146
On the corner of Str Paul Greceanu
Near Stefan cel Mare Metro stop
10 mins walk from Piata Romana
Find it on the map.

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