Contemporary Art Romania

28 June 2007

launching of VECTOR magazine, 3rd issue

Friday, June 29, h 19
Vector Gallery (Iasi, Cuza Voda 41, 1st floor)
launching of "Vector - art and culture in context" magazine with the participation of the editors Matei Bejenaru, Catalin Gheorghe and Cristian Nae

Vector magazine is a contributor for "documenta 12 magazine" which is developing its project in Kassel organizing lunch lectures, presentations and workshops between june 16 - september 23.

In September 10 - 16, the editors of Vector magazine are invited to participate in a series of lunch lectures on the theme of generating public sphere, together with editors from "De Witte Raaf", "Site", "Metropolis M", "Art-ist", "Piktogram", "Ojeblikket" and "Revista de Crítica Cultural" magazines.

3rd issue:
Vector - art and culture in context proposes in the opening a new series of presentations of art institutions activating in South East Europe and Middle East, the conception of an Western institutional initiative which is questioning the knowledge exchange between contexts and the first project realized in Iasi in the frame of Backyard Residencies program.
The second contribution of Vector magazine to the documenta 12 magazine editorial project is answering the question "What is Bare Life (Subjectification)?" both by a theoretical text about the resistance through small corruption in communist Romania and by a series of artistic projects proposed by invited artists and curators, talking about the photographic practice as simultaneously integrated and opposed to the practices of identity administration, about life taken on one's own as an artistic project, about hiding in plain sight the politically simplified aggression and about the creative reaction to the neoliberal scenarios.
The section assigned to the recent art theory and criticism approaches the "institutional critique" issue in a range of case studies about the situation of the production and inter-mediation of contemporary art in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Romania.
Other sections discuss situations of alternative everyday lifestyles, of commitments in tactical media or certain arguments about the organization of a film festival.


building contexts, networking contexts
Margarita DOROVSKA
About Inter space, Sofia or how it came that new media matters in a broader socio-cultural context
New Media Center _, novi sad
Press to exit project space: ways of reinventing an idea
Producing content, establishing culture, and visibility through the operation logic of nomad
Rejection Episodes; Kontrol online magazine
Forbidden Games at the Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon
Private Investigations, the way we want them. Consideration on the institution of the artists' residency: the example of Kunstlerhaus Buhsenhausen

artists in context:

"documenta 12 magazine":
what is bare life? (subjectification)
Resistance through small corruption in communist Romania
Florin BOBU
Mitica a lu' leanca (Mitica Leanca's son)
Trying to be a European citizen. A real-life project
Secretive facts, pending families
Rozalinda BORCILA, Cristian NAE
Past futures

everyday lifestyles
Stefan TIRON
S.A.N.V.O.U. the spatial agency for nocturnal voyages to the origins of the universe. Messages received on board of the spaceship earth

tactical commitments
Memoirs of a video activist

critical condition: institutions
Dimitrina SEVOVA
Pessimism no more - exoticism is everywhere. Back to reality or micro-approaches for handling institutional matrices
Birth of institutions. Activities from Ukrainian voids
The institution: friend or foe?
The positioning of the art criticism as an institution within an institution

Inter-text: celebrating change through art: Balkan Black Box film festival

exhibitional experiences
Htmlles export 2 [06] - belgrade | sofia | istanbul

reading room
The other point of view: Balkan Trilogy


Vector> Gallery
Cuza Voda 41, 1st Floor
700038 Iasi, Romania

tel/fax: +40 232 237 486

opening hours: Tue - Fri 11 -15

press contact: Catalin GHEORGHE
mob: +40 723 785 816

27 June 2007

Saddo and Other la Streetwise

28 iunie – 15 iulie 2007
vernisaj: 28 iunie, ora 20.00
Other spune ca este “un nomad nascut in Canada”, care face parte din marea familie a street art-ului mondial. A inceput sa faca graffiti in anii ’90, in contextul miscarii graffiti “hiphop” din America de Nord. Cu timpul si-a definit practica, desenand pe trenuri de marfa forme hibride de graffiti si “hobo art” - desene pe care calatorii si muncitorii le faceau pe trenuri inca din 1850. In timp ce lucrarile sale calatoresc pe sine din Canada pana in Mexic, artistul “merge din tara in tara si lasa mici parti din el in toata lumea - urme de aerosol, vopsea acrilica, markere si chiar creta… orice lasa urme…”
Saddo a terminat grafica la Facultatea de arte din Cluj insa numai dupa ce a terminat studiile a redescoperit “bucuria de a desena exact ce am eu chef ca si atunci cand eram copil, la Sovata si imi petreceam toata ziua desenand intr-un caiet”. Saddo deseneaza monstri, “monstri urati, cateodata monstri dragutzi si colorati, depinde”. Lui Saddo ii place mai mult decat orice sa deseneze – “mi-ar placea cel mai mult din lume sa pot sa desenez doar, sa nu mai fiu nevoit sa fac alte chestii. Si imi place sa desenez impreuna cu alti oameni”. A si facut-o cu mai multe ocazii impreuna cu colectivul The Playground din Cluj si in ultima vreme cu Other care pentru Saddo este “unul din artistii mei preferati, inca dinainte sa il cunosc”.
Program de vizitare:
sambata, duminica: 15-19
luni – vineri, cu programare la tel: 0723 240 434
Streetwise Gallery
Str Aurel Vlaicu nr 146,
colt cu Paul Greceanu
Langa statia de metrou Stefan cel Mare.
10 min pe jos din Piata Romana.

26 June 2007

Alexandru Paul la H'art

a l e x a n d r u p a u l

e x h i b i t i o n

www.alexandrupaul. com

v e r n i s a j joi 28 iunie ora 19.30

h'art gallery

str. mihai eminescu nr. 105-107

sponsor Razvan Ciobanu

Alexandru Paul vaneaza intimitati. Sau mai precis le fotografiaza. Mi-a fost intodeauna clar ca unul din motivele principale pentru care facem fotografii e incercarea utopica de a surprinde momentul acela de caldura personala care ne scapa tot timpul. Prietena mea, atunci cind se simtea foarte bine, dorea sa faca o fotografie. Incerca sa arhiveze. Intimitatea vine tot timpul si cu o latura narcisica. Te simti bine si vrei ca prin fotografie lucrul acesta sa fie stiut si de ceilalti. Intimitate si narcisism, astea sunt subiectele zilei. Sandu merge cu proiectul de fata intitulat Exhibition pana la limita minimalismului fotografic: compune doar premisele fotografiei, restul se produce de la sine. E un experiment interesant care spune ceva despre felul cum viata imita arta sau despre modul cum autorul e prezent totusi prin simpla intentionalitate si prin insusi actul expunerii.

Dan Popescu

Liliana Popescu

liliana@hartgallery .ro

m. 0722 588 330


Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 105-107

t. 210 83 51

f. 210 83 02

www.hartgallery. ro

Program H’art Gallery

Luni-Vineri 13.00-18.00

Sambata 14.00-18.00

24 June 2007

Stefan Constantinescu la MNAC

Stefan Constantinescu
Multumesc pentru ziua asta minunata / Thanks for a Wonderful, Ordinary Day
: Oana Tanase

27 iunie – 2 septembrie 2007

vernisaj: miercuri 27 iunie, 19h00
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Fie ca este vorba de film, fotografie, text ori demers editorial, Stefan Constantinescu investigheaza felul in care experienta si memoria sunt mediate cultural. Pentru el, ambele domenii sunt in chip simultan construite si traite, deopotriva incarcate de dorinta, speranta si teama. Preocupat de istoria recenta, de politica evidentei si a absentei, perspectiva pe care si-o asuma artistul este una dubla: vorbind despre ceilalti, el livreaza totodata o discreta versiune autobiografica. Reflexivitatea este aici nu doar o solutie interna a documentarului ci si un imperativ etic.

Stefan Constantinescu (n.1968, Bucuresti / stabilit in Suedia din 1993) a absolvit studiile Academiei Regale de Arta din Stockholm in 1997. Activitatea lui include expozitii personale si de grup, precum si proiectii de film in Germania, Italia, Danemarca, Lituania, Elvetia, Suedia si Romania.

Lucrari prezentate in expozitie: Arhiva Durerii (instalatie video si carte, 2000); Just what is it… (serie foto, 2001); Baronul, 22.02.2002 (film, 2002); Dacia 1300, generatia mea (film si carte, 2003); El Pasaje (film, 2005); Lumina Nordului (serie foto si text, 2006); Building your Dacia 1300 (obiect, 2007)

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Parteneri MNAC: HP, BRD
Sponsor: Peroni
Partneri media: 24 Fun, Re:PUBLIK, Igloo, Arhitectura, Rfi, Time Out Bucuresti
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The National Museum of Contemporary Art
2-4, Str. Izvor, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563
tel: +40 21 318 91 37/ fax: +40 21 318 91 38,

FUORI USO 2006 – ALTERED STATES la MNAC si Galeria Noua

Are you experienced?

26 iunie – 31 august 2007
Curatori: Nicolas Bourriaud, Paolo Falcone

Vernisaj : marti 26 iunie
17h00 la Galeria Noua/ Str. Academiei 15
19h00 la MNAC/ Calea 13 Septembrie

incepand cu 20h00 BBQ + Party / Djs Cosmiq Microbiq, Jake Sauvage/ Terasa MNAC
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Are you experienced?
incearca sa examineze relatia dintre arta si procesele de modificare a perceptiilor. Sub conceptul de suprarealism social incearca sa conecteze starile mentale alterate induse de visul colectiv in experiente artistice contemporane. Proiectul ia in considerare cateva aspecte care implica studiul noilor teorii care leaga experientele alterarii sau modificarea de perceptie cu antropologia, sociologia si practicile samanice, in sculptura, pictura, video, performance sau instalatii site-specific.

Artisti: Emese Benczur, Anca Benera, Madeleine Berkhemer, Liz Cohen, Attila Csorgo, Daniela d'Arielli, Christelle Familiari. Matteo Fato, Vidya Gastaldon & Nathalie Rebholz, Ludovica Gioscia, Piero Golia, Barthi Kher, Gunilla Klingberg, Gelitin, Michael Lin, Justin Lowe, Saverio Lucariello, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Kendell Geers, Sergio Sarra, subREAL, Janaina Tschape, Luca Vitone, Kelley Walker

23 June 2007

Venice Biennale

One of Victor Man's works at the Romanian Pavillion "Low Budget Munuments" exhibition.

Some images from this years biennale, including from the Romanian Pavillion on this flickr account.

22 June 2007

eurobarometru vizual

daily exercise of social values implementation
27.06 – 8.07.2007

exhibition opening: miercuri 27.06.2007, ora 17:00
MNAC Galeria Etaj ¾ Teatrul National,
Bd. Nicolae Balcescu nr. 2.

artists: Alina BONDREA, Emanuel BORCESCU, Diana DUTA, Irina GHEORGHE, Eugen HARASIM, Raluca IONESCU, Loreta ISAC, Andor KOMIVES, Alexandru LAZAR, Cezar LAZARESCU, Bogdan MATEIAS, Olivia MIHALTIANU, Nita MOCANU, Eugen MORITZ, Vlad NANCA, Cristina NASTASE, Cosmin NASUI, Dumitru OBOROC, Carmen PARII, Andrei PASTUHOV, Cosmin PAULESCU, Bogdan & Magda PELMUS, Alina POPA, Violeta RADU, Bogdan RATA, Mark REHA, Mima SOROCEAN, STUDIOBASAR (Cristi BORCAN & Alex Axinte), Oana TODERICA.

curator: Irina CIOS

On this occasion the winners of the creation contest will be announced and the prizes
will be awarded.

A project of the International Centre for Contemporary Art,
financed with PHARE funds for microprojects, Europa Fund 2006

The project was produced with the support of the following institutions:
The National Museum for Contemporary Art, British Council, Apollonia Association from Strasbourg, Swiss Cultural Programme Romania Pro Helvetia / SDC, Galeria Noua, UNAgaleria, Galeria Meta, DC Communication, Headvertising.

19 June 2007

12 June 2007

Romanian Pavillion at 52nd Venice Biennale 2007

The Romanian Pavilion the 52nd International
Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale

Artists: Victor MAN, Cristi POGACEAN,

Curator of the exhibition: Mihnea MIRCAN
Pavilion commissioner: Mihai Pop – Fundatia Plan B
Assistant commissioner: Bertha Niculescu –
Fundatia Plan B

Opening 8th June, 7 pm, Giardini di Castello
Exhibition: June 10th – November 21st

The exhibition in the Romanian Pavilion at the 52nd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale proposes a reflection on the possibilities and conditions of the contemporary monument.

Can the monument be detached from glorification or commemoration, from the rhetorical overload that burdens the history of the practice, and remain a monument? Can the monument be reprogrammed as an artistic instrument that does not serve to illustrate doubtful victories, resonant sacrifices or abruptly terminated debates, and, if so, what other fundamental operation should be assigned to it? Can the monument incorporate social and political antagonism into a matrix other than the separation between winners and losers in history or politics, one that allows for the continuous recalibration of social forces? Are monuments for terrorism or law, globalization or locality, democracy or secrecy, liberalism or communism conceivable? What losses, gaps, traumas and reconfigured social relations deserve monumental sites of public negotiation, that would help activate open contention and work to defuse adversity?

Modes of public artistic action that perform a plural, contradictory function – this could be conceived as the foundation upon which the long-term monument can be built. Whether we advocate complicated monuments for complicated social facts, whose singularity derives from their enactment of conflictual consensus, of new forms of social coherence, of strategies meant to integrate what society ignores, forgets or excludes, monuments that link center and margin, that permanently irritate the nerves of the social body, polemic monuments mapping inevitably plural purposes and actions, tensions rather than epiphanies, monuments that behave ideologically inasmuch as they invent new, dynamic totalities, and muster ‘another army of metaphors, metonyms and mythology’ as an adversary for ideologies, we inscribe process in monuments – process either made visible or instigated.

The works in the Romanian pavilion engage different readings of monumentality, surveying its interplays with notions of artistic subjectivity. Cristi Pogacean’s ironic Obelisk and his powerful rendition of a recent hostage crisis, where a group of Romanian journalists have been abducted in Iraq, Mona Vatamanu and Florin Tudor’s discussion of architecture in its dual processes of construction and destruction, of colonizing space and simultaneously making entropy visible, from the perspective of a performative monument, Victor Man’s treatment of the residues of nationalism inscribed on the façade of the pavilion and his ‘Monument to Victor Man’, intersecting the private space of confession and a phantasmal public space – all works propose modes of rethinking the public place or role of art. In different ways, they propose degrees-zero from which new monuments can be built, strategies of the monument based on the logic of counter-action.

The publication of the pavilion at the 52nd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale groups theoretical and visual contributions as the first episode in a long-term project that aims to rethink the contemporary monument. It stems from the belief that monuments are ‘impossible necessities’ (Laurent Liefooghe), that, in their infernal difficulty, monuments are problematic knots entangling decisive questions about the modes of history and ideology that constitute or condition communities. The artistic, critical repossession of the monument could bring enlightening arguments in the discussion about the subversive capabilities of political art, perhaps actualizing Thomas Hirschhorn’s enigmatic dictum about ‘making art politically’, in a practice that does not evacuate the possibility of failure and does not dissimulate it in lesser ambitions and diminishing scale.

The publication is edited by Mihnea Mircan and Meta Haven: Design Research (Amsterdam). Contributors include Mark Jarzombek, Markus Miessen, Doryun Chong and Sean Snyder, Office (Kersten Geers and David van Severen), Alon Levin, Branimir Stojanovic, Laurent Liefooghe, Azra Aksamija, Calin Dan, Mechtild Widrich, Daniel Kurjakovic, Christoph Büchel and Giovanni Carmine, Wouter Davidts, Lieven de Boeck, Malkit Shoshan, LUST, Azra Aksamija, Zbynek Baladran and Emily Katrencik.

Organized by
Ministry of Culture and Religious Communities Romania

Supported by
Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica, Venezia, Romanian Cultural institute Bucharest, ECUMEST Association.

Romanian Pavilion Biennale Office, 52nd Venice Biennale
Commissioner: Mihai Pop
Str. Albert Einstein 14
400045 Cluj, Romania
Phone: 40 742 504901

08 June 2007

seara NOIR la KF arad

Sambata 9 iunie de la ora 22:oo in sus

Prezentare scurta a surselor stilului noir in cinematografie. Vocabularul
vizual noir(contrastul lumina/intuneric, perspective de filmare
neobisnuite, camera miscata, peisaje urbane, camera subiectiva si flash
back-ul) teme predominante(trecutul amenintator, cosmarul predestinarii)
arhetipuri noir(figura celui pornit in cautarea adevarului,
urmaritul/fugaritul, femeia fatala), si un dialog, o proza tipica noir
extrem de concisa, ironica si brutala si extrasa direct din viata de zi cu

Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944)
"She liked me. I could feel that. The way you feel when the cards are
falling right for you, with a nice little pile of blue and yellow chips in
the middle of the table. Only what I didn’t know then was that I wasn’t
playing her. She was playing me, with a deck of marked cards and the
stakes weren’t any blue and yellow chips. They were dynamite."
(Fred MacMurray’s narration)

Prezentarea comics-ului Hard Boiled de Frank Miller si Geof Darrow.

Fraze cheie citite de Alex Maniu

Proiectie de filme celebre (pe alese)


DARK PASSAGE (1947, Delmer Daves)
TOUCH OF EVIL (1958, Orson Welles)
THE BIG HEAT (1953, Fritz Lang)
THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI (1047, Orson Wells)
KISS ME DEADLY (1955, Robert Aldrich)

ANGEL HEART (1987, Alan Parker)
THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE (2001, Joel Coen)
SIN CITY (2005, Frank Miller & Robert Rodriguez)

audio de sharuit: OTR (episoade radiofonice Old Time Radio cu Philip
Marlowe din 1948-1951), Classic Film Noir Themes and Scenes

07 June 2007

2 cool 4 school DAY1

Cateva imagini de la prezentarea Kasiei Korczak.

Va asteptam sambata la
11.00 Tristan Manco - prezentarea lucrarilor si practicii (la UNAgaleria, str Budisteanu 10) si duminica la 14.00 la prezentare Tristan Manco “Street Art in galerii sau pe strada?” (la Galeria Noua, str Academiei 15).

Detalii aici.

04 June 2007


Halta - Cohn & Jansen, UNAgaleria si 2020 prezinta:

2 COOL 4 SCHOOL Kasia Korczak, Tristan Manco
Str Budisteanu nr 10
7-9 iunie 2007
Galeria Noua
10 iunie 2007

2 Cool 4 School e un program in care doua personalitati internationale ale industriilor creative sunt invitate la Bucuresti pentru a sustine prezentari in fata studentilor universitatii de arte si tuturor tinerilor creativi interesati. Pentru prima editie, Halta - Cohn & Jansen, UNAgaleria si 2020 i-au invitat la Bucuresti pe Kasia Korczak, graphic designer si Tristan Manco, autor de carti de graffiti si graphic designer. Cei doi impartasesc aceeasi pasiune pentru proiectele lor, atat personale, de artist sau autor de carti, cat si cele „comerciale”, de graphic designer si sunt invitati la Bucuresti pentru a-si prezenta lucrarile si pentru a realiza un workshop. 2 Cool 4 School este un proiect in care organizatorii isi propun sa incurajeze creativitatea in orice forma.

Kasia Korczak este interesata de design ca metoda de a produce si distribui continut si a fost in mod constant implicata in partea de publicatie a designului. Lucrarile ei au fost expuse la Design Museum si Barbican Gallery, Londra and Casco, Utrecht. Printre clientii s-au aflat si Colette, Nike si L’Oréal. In 2004 a infiintat "Korczak si fiicele", studio care produce lucrari de moda, design si arta cu o atitudine polemica particulara. Lucrarile ei au fost publicate in 032c, Eye, Creative Review, Diplo, +81, printre altele. In prezent isi imparte timpul intre Londra si o rezidenta de master la Werkplaats Typografie in Arnhem.

Tristan Manco traieste si lucreaza in Bristol, unde in 2002 a infiintat Tijuana Deisgn, de care s-a despartit in 2006 pentru a continua freelance. A lucrat pentru clienti importanti precum Elle, BBC si EMI Music. A publicat articole in Creative Review si Modart si este autor al cartilor Stencil Graffiti (2002), Street Logos (2004) si Street Sketchbook (in curs de aparitie) si co-autor al cartii Graffiti Brasil (2005), toate la Thames and Hudson. A editat Graffiti World (2004), aparuta la aceeasi editura.


Kasia Korczak, Tristan Manco
7-9 iunie 2007: UNAgaleria, Str Budisteanu nr 10
10 iunie 2007: Galeria Noua, Str Academiei 15

Joi 7 iunie
11.00 Kasia Korczak Prezentarea lucrarilor si practicii.
12.00 Workshop cu Kasia Korczak asistata de Boy Vereecken.

Vineri 8 iunie
12.00 Workshop cu Kasia Korczak asistata de Boy Vereecken

Sambata 9 iunie
11.00 Tristan Manco Prezentarea lucrarilor si practicii.
12.00 Workshop cu Kasia Korczak asistata de Boy Vereecken si Tristan Manco

Duminica 10 iunie
14.00 Prezentare Tristan Manco
“Street Art in galerii sau pe strada?”

Pentru detalii si inscrieri la workshop scrieti un email pe adresa: vladnanca (at)