seara NOIR la KF arad

Sambata 9 iunie de la ora 22:oo in sus
Prezentare scurta a surselor stilului noir in cinematografie. Vocabularul
vizual noir(contrastul lumina/intuneric, perspective de filmare
neobisnuite, camera miscata, peisaje urbane, camera subiectiva si flash
back-ul) teme predominante(trecutul amenintator, cosmarul predestinarii)
arhetipuri noir(figura celui pornit in cautarea adevarului,
urmaritul/fugaritul, femeia fatala), si un dialog, o proza tipica noir
extrem de concisa, ironica si brutala si extrasa direct din viata de zi cu
Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944)
"She liked me. I could feel that. The way you feel when the cards are
falling right for you, with a nice little pile of blue and yellow chips in
the middle of the table. Only what I didn’t know then was that I wasn’t
playing her. She was playing me, with a deck of marked cards and the
stakes weren’t any blue and yellow chips. They were dynamite."
(Fred MacMurray’s narration)
Prezentarea comics-ului Hard Boiled de Frank Miller si Geof Darrow.
Fraze cheie citite de Alex Maniu
Proiectie de filme celebre (pe alese)
DARK PASSAGE (1947, Delmer Daves)
TOUCH OF EVIL (1958, Orson Welles)
THE BIG HEAT (1953, Fritz Lang)
THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI (1047, Orson Wells)
KISS ME DEADLY (1955, Robert Aldrich)
ANGEL HEART (1987, Alan Parker)
THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE (2001, Joel Coen)
SIN CITY (2005, Frank Miller & Robert Rodriguez)
audio de sharuit: OTR (episoade radiofonice Old Time Radio cu Philip
Marlowe din 1948-1951), Classic Film Noir Themes and Scenes
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