Workshop and re-opening of the INTERACTIVITY show in Sibiu!
iBrella video
iBrella este o lucrare care porneste de la ipod hackin demonstrand ca poti practic sa emulezi toate comenzile unui ipod prin interactiunea fizica cu o umbrela
iBrella: un proiect prezentat de Matt Karau
INTERCONECTIVITY show *.Artlabs Sibiu
*.Artlabs e localizat la periferia urbana, sediul *.ARTLABS se afla in centrala termica dezafectata CT3 din cartierul de blocuri "Hipodrom". Vechile "cuptoare" si "centrala termica", ce nu demult conotau mediul industrial, se vor metamorfoza in ateliere de creatie artistica, transferand metaforic asupra fenomenului artistic functia furnizarii de caldura.
Artisti, designeri si ingineri analizeaza schimbarea paradigmatica generata de patrunderea in societate a tehnologiilor digitale, si isi pun in practica ideile intr-un mod creativ, promovand dialogul interdisciplinar. O agenda anuala de cercetare va fi schitata de un consiliu alcatuit din specialisti de marca, rezultatele fiind, de asemenea, evaluate anual.
The subject will be somehow loose connected to our "research" agenda
this year which will be RESPONSIVE ENVIRONMENTS, as well as to our
upcoming exhibition REINVENTING THE WHEEL - alternative mobility and
artistic interventions in urban traffic. So we gonna look into
environmental parameters, that we could collect in urban space and
how to include those in our works. I'm talking about sounds, Images,
fine particle dust, co2 etc.
We are glad we will have Matt Karau from Distance Lab UK coming over
another time to cover the techy part. In addition to Matt we hope to
get another well appreciated artist/designer proficient in that
particular field. I for myself will give some introductory talks
about the subject and stick around for providing inspiration and
tutoring during production progress. The workshop will most likely
take place in the *.artlabs, Sibiu from August 6. - 12..The workshop
is intended to result in an actual artwork/product developed by each
attendee, which wil depending on quality be incorporated in the
exhibition this autumn. The workshop is free of charge. We look
forward to invite a exciting group of people, rooted in various
domains. As we briefly spoke about: we can provide very basic
sleeping accomodation, but unfortunately no additional costs.
So that was the very brief firts wrap up. As said It's not finalized
yet; I just try to evaluate what kind of attendees we could expect
during best holiday time for such an event. So in case you think of
some people who're keen on working like that, I would highly
appreciate if you would forward the news! Also: Due to some folks
asking for a re-opening of our REVIEWING THE MEDIUM - NO1 of 4 -
INTERACTIVITY show. We will do that: The exhibition will be re-opened
from July 19. - 21.
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