Contemporary Art Romania

06 December 2009

Alice Tomaselli - MIHAI (galeria SABOT, 12.12.2009 - 12.02.2010)

SABOT is pleased to present Mihai, a display o
f recent works by Italian artist Alice Tomaselli.
Working with different media — from photography to painting, from video to performance — Alice Tomaselli’s practice seems to be echoing an undeniable desire to find the primordial aspect of the art creation, which is deliberately chaotic and immune to the power of commodification. On the other side, the artist is clearly intending to find new and traditional ways to produce and present art objects that span from casting to handmade techniques, from embroidery to silkscreen.

Three unfinished installations (aimed at conquering a man) will be placed in three of the gallery corners. They are linked, but exist separately at the same time. Each installation consists of three objects. While the objects are complete, the installations are awaiting their final act. They must be activated. They are missing one action and will be considered complete only after this action takes place.

I see myself as a member of a species. Through my work I would like to develop analysis focused on the species to which I belong. Basically I don’t want to admit to the fact that I’m a human being. I would like to veer away from anthropocentric thoughts. I would also like to explore precisely what is going to happen in the future and during my death. (excerpt from Marcel Janco’s interview with Alice Tomaselli)


Accompanying the show, a printed matter conceived by the artist in cooperation with the gallery will be featuring an overview of her recent production and an interview with Sabot’s co-founder Marcel Janco.

exhibition space: 59-61 Henri Barbusse street,
400616, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
mailing address: 12 Horea street, ap. 10,
400038, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Mob.: +40723224105
Join us on FACEBOOK:

Opening hours:
Tue – Sat, 4 - 8 p.m.

Sun, Mon – closed

About us:

SABOT was released at the beginning of 2009, by means of Dadaist spontaneity, as an attemptto verify the raison d'être of a gallery in the third millennium. Its initiators are Daria D. Pervain, former art critic and journalist and Marcel Janco, a Romanian-born, Turin-based art critic and curator (abstract inciter of Sabot and the gallery’s phantasmal comrade).

SABOT aims at having an elastic, almost unshaped format, able to take the form of our artist's views. A project incubator, a generator, moreover an eccentric travesty of a gallery. We embrace curatorial and commercial models without solution of continuity. We will raise questions rather than spell predictable truths, by sabotaging the fundamental division between high and low culture, process and result, art making and curating.

By having no constitutional predisposition to things which may become certainties at a certain time, Sabot hopes to avoid all the conventional paths of generating common sense within the art world.

05 December 2009

Scoala Generala in story-circle - trenSformers in Sala de asteptare

Luni, 7 decembrie 2009, ora 19.00, Centrul National al Dansului

Pentru ca toata lumea asteapta mereu ceva, echipa trenSformers va invita in perioada 6 - 12 decembrie intr-o sala destinata acestei activitati si montata in Mediateca din cadrul Centrului National al Dansului din Bucuresti. Mai ales daca va aflati intre destinatii!

Scoala Generala va fi un story-circle in Sala de asteptare. Fiecare participant este invitat sa contribuie cu o poveste din tren sau despre tren.
Ai dormit in cuseta cu Corina Chiriac? Cat mai e spaga la nas? Ce faci cand e plin vagonul de copii care merg la Navodari in tabara? Ai stat vreodata in gara Ciucea? Trenul nu este intotdeauna doar un spatiu de tranzit, ci mediul unor experiente intense.
Toate povestile vor fi inregistrate, iar sambata, 12 decembrie, patru actori vor construi situatii de joc pornind de la ele.

este un proiect de investigatie si interventie artistica pe trenuri si in gari. Primele interventii trenSformers au avut loc in august 2009 pe relatia Cluj – Bucuresti. trenSformers isi propune sa descopere activ si creativ diferentele regionale si sa provoace mecanismele perceptiei sociale.

trenSformers este un proiect tangaProject independent si gratuit.