Contemporary Art Romania

26 June 2008

INTERVENTII3 call for participation

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INTERVENTII3 - apel de participare | data limita: 20 iulie 2008

organizator - Asociatia Oberliht

UNAgaleria / Bucuresti
Revista de Literatura, Arta si Atitudine STARE de URGENTA / Chisinau

Radio Europa Libera

Intr-o epoca a uniformizarii marcata de globalism si neo-liberalismul
relatiilor economice, implicit consumerism, in care peisajul vietii
cotidiene devine din ce in ce mai structurat, supus uniu control si
supravegheat, regulile jocului tot mai restranse, identitatile si cliseele
fundamentale, mediul artistic institutionalizat si instrumentalizat,
devine tot mai greu de identificat spatiile disponibile (flexibilie)
pentru activitati de ordin innovator, experimental, creativ.
Astfel una din cai ce se face simtita este de a interveni intr-o lume deja
organizata sau, poate, de a ne refugia in pustiu?

INTERVENTIE - o actiune / un gest / un semn

INTERVENTIA - care este potentialul sau creativ / participativ / reactionar?
- cum modifica ea obiectul / subiectul / contextul / spatiul interventiei?
- pe ce cale este ea realizata?
- cu ce mijloace?
- cu ce scop / finalitate?

INTERVENTII - proiect de arta contemporana conceput sa exploreze forma,
dimensiunea ideatica / conceptuala, contextele in care poate fi degajat,
vizibilitatea / invizibilitatea, temporalitatea actului de interventie

APEL | 21 iunie, 2008

se solicita propuneri de proiecte si lucrari pentru a fi realizate in
cadrul proiectului INTERVENTII3


Etapa 3 a proiectului INTERVENTII vizeaza cunoasterea si valorificarea
spatiului public. Acesta din urma, fiind redus la o imagine obscura, iar
pe alocuri limitat in optiunile sale ori inchis pentru orice fel de
manifestari, este marcat de prezenta unor interese politice si comerciale,
gestionat si controlat de fortele deseori declarative ale puterii, fapt
decisiv la edificarea noii sale identitati.

Odata cu extinderea actualelor limite ale capitalei proiectul isi propune
sa exploreze dimensiunea periferica a orasului dar si al altor module ce
incorporeaza notiunea de periferie, totodata isi propune sa devina un
cadru de reflectie si de analiza asupra conceptului de vecinatate.
Lucrarile elaborate de participanti vor face referinta la spatiul in care
locuim si care ne formeaza, preluind drept punct de plecare structura
sociala, administrativa si economica a orasului Chisinau si suburbiilor

Proiectele realizate vor oscila intre fotografie si alte forme artistice
si/sau hibride la baza carora se afla imaginea si textul, precum sint
stencil-ul, stickere si adezive, anunturi, afise, panouri cu lumini si
publicitare, dar si instalatii si performance-uri etc. care vor fi
prezentate in spatiul public in final cu intentia transformarii acestuia
intr-un spatiu de comunicare si manifestare artistica. Astfel structura
comunicationala a urbei va fi folosita pentru transmiterea mesajului
artistic unor audiente mai largi. Contextul urban va servi drept punct de
plecare si va fi perceput in calitate de spatiu expozitional pentru
amplasarea lucrarilor finale, aducind mesajul artistic mai aproape de
locuitorii din Chisinau si din suburbii.


Proiectul INTERVENTII3 se va desfasura in perioada 19 ? 29 august, 2008 si
va cuprinde mai multe prezentari publice si ateliere realizate de artisti,
curatori si teoreticieni invitati din Croatia, Franta, Moldova si Romania.
Drept parte componenta a proiectului vor fi organizate 5 calatorii
exploratoare in zonele suburbane ale municipiului Chisinau si in satul

Participantii selectati vor beneficia partial sau integral de materialele
necesare producerii proiectului personal; transport international, cazare
si masa (pentru participantii din Romania); de sustinere tehnica si

Lucrarile realizate in cadrul proiectului vor fi publicate in catalogul
final. Activitatile proiectului se vor regasi intr-un film de scurta
durata produs cu ocazia proiectului INTERVENTII3, rezultatele proiectului
urmind a fi prezentate la UNAgaleria / Bucuresti si ulterior publicului

PROCEDURA DE SELECTIE SI DATA LIMITA | 21 iunie - 20 iulie, 2008

Doritorii sa participe la proiect sint invitati sa-si expedieze dosarele
pe suport hirtie, CD sau in format electronic pina pe 20 iulie 2008 la
urmatoarele adrese: str. Gh. Asachi 11/2 ? 45, Chisinau 2028 sau pe adresa
electronica interventii(la) Dosarele expediate nu vor fi

Dosarul de participare trebuie sa contina
- CV detaliat cu date de contact (adresa completa, telefon, telefon mobil,
- Scrisoare de motivatie (100 ? 200 cuvinte)
- 7 - 10 imagini cu lucrari personale (pe suport hirtie/foto ? format A4
maximum; in format electronic ? in jur de 500 Kb fiecare imagine)
- O propunere de proiect artistic (200 ? 300 cuvinte) cu descrierea a ceea
ce doriti sa realizati pe care eventual il ve-ti realiza in cadrul etapei
3 a proiectului INTERVENTII, si care va respecta INTENTIA PROIECTULUI)
- Un buget detaliat necesar producerii proiectului

E salutabila
- cunoasterea limbii Romane si/sau Engleze
- prezentarea dosarului pe CD sau in format electronic pe adresele

Data limita de depunere a dosarelor este 20 iulie 2008
Participantii selectati vor fi anuntati pe 28 iulie 2008

Mai multe detalii la:

Persoane de contact:

Director de proiect

Vladimir US
interventii(la) (pentru Vladimir US)
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Coordonator de proiect

interventii(la) (pentru Vadim TIGANAS)
tel: + /373/ 68 495744

mai multe despre etapele 1 si 2 a proiectului INTERVENTII desfasurate
anterior gasiti aici:

INTERVENTII1 | 2006 - 2007

Proiectul ITERVENTII3 este organizat in parteneriat cu
UNAgaleria/Bucuresti si revista de literatura, arta si atitudine STARE de
URGENTA/Chisinau si finantat de Uniunea Latina (biroul din Republica
Moldova), Institutul Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR, Fundatia
Culturala Europeana si Henkel Romania.

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INTERVENTIONS3 ? open call | deadline: July 20, 2008

organizer ? Oberliht Association

UNAgaleria / Bucharest
STATE of EMERGENCY magazine for literature, art and attitude / Chisinau

Radio Free Europe

In an epoch of unification marked by globalism and the neo-liberal
economic relations, as well as consumption that changes the landscape of
our everyday lives and makes it more structured, organized and controlled,
when the rules of the game are more and more restricted, identities and
stereotypes become fundamental, the art world is institutionalized and
instrumentalized, it becomes less and less possible to identify available
spaces for innovative, creative and experimental activity.
That's why one of the ways that is left is to intervene into the already
organized society in which we live or, may be, to escape into the void?

INTERVENTION ? an action / a gesture / a sign

THE INTERVENTION ? what is its creative / participatory / reactionary
? how does it modify the object / subject / context / space of intervention?
? how is it produced?
? with which means?
? and scope?

INTERVENTIONS ? contemporary art project conceived to explore the form,
the ideatic / conceptual dimension, the contexts in which can be educed,
the visibility / invisibility, temporality of the act of intervention

CALL | July 21, 2008

Open call for proposals and art works to be realized in the frame of


The third phase of the INTERVENTIONS project has the intention to
investigate the public space as being marginalized and invisible, with
limited access or even closed for any kind of manifestations, marked by
the presence of political and commercial interests, managed and controlled
by the declarative forces of power, which fact is decisive for its future

With the extension of the actual borders of the capital city and as a
continuation of the previous two editions the project aims to explore the
peripheral dimension of the city but also of any other modules dealing
with periphery as well as to become a vehicle for reflection over the
concept of neighbourhood.

The art works created by the participants should make refference to the
space in which we live and that shapes us all by taking as a starting
point the social, administrative and economic structure of the city of
Chisinau and its suburbs.

The projects realized will oscilate between photography and other artistic
and/or hybrid forms that use the image and text like stencils, stickers,
announcements, posters, lightboxes, billboards but also installations,
performances etc. that will be in the end presented in the public space
with the intention to transform it into a space of communication and art
manifestation. In this sense the communication infrastructure of the city
will be used to assure the transmission of the artists? message to the
broader audience. The urban context will serve as a starting point and
will be perceived as an exhibition space that will host the final works,
thus bringing the message of the artists closer to the inhabitans of
Chisinau and of its suburbs.

TIMETABLE AND ACTIVITIES | August 19 ? 29, 2008

INTERVENTIONS3 project will take place between 19 ? 29 of August, 2008 and
will embrace a series of public presentations and workshops offered by
guest artists, curators and theoreticians from Croatia, France, Moldova
and Romania. As part of the project 5 different trips having as
destination the suburbs of the city of Chisinau and Ghidighici village
will be organized.

The organizers will partially or entirely cover the production costs of
the selected projects; international transportation tickets, meals and
accomodation (for participants from Romania); will provide technical and
informational support.

The works realized during the project will be regrouped in the catalogue.
The activities of the project will be presented in a short film produced
with this occasion. The project?s results will be presented at UNAgaleria
in Bucharest and later to the French public.

SELECTION PROCEDURE AND DEADLINE | june 21 ? july 20, 2008

Interested artists wishing to take part in the project are invited to
submit their proposals on paper, CD or in electronic format by June 20,
2008 to the following addresses: Gh. Asachi str. 11/2 ? 45, Chisinau 2028,
or by email to interventii(at) The submitted proposals
will not be returned.

The submitted proposals should consist of:
- Detailed CV with contact detailes (postal address, phone, mobile phone,
- Letter of motivation (100 ? 200 words)
- 7 ? 10 images of personal works (on paper/photo ? A4 size maximum;
electronic format ? about 500 Kb per image)
- A project proposal (200 ? 300 words) describing the work you wish to
realize, which you will eventually produce within the 3rd phaze of the
INTERVENTIONS project, and which will respect the PROJECT INTENTION
- A detailed budget necessary for the production of your work

We encourage
- Knowledge of Romanian and/or English
- Submission of the project proposals on CD or electronically to the above
mentioned addresses

Deadline for submitting a project proposal is July 20, 2008
Selected participants will be notified on July 28, 2008

For more details go to:

Contact persons:

Project director

Vladimir US
interventii(at) (for Vladimir US)
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Project coordinator

interventii(at) (for Vadim TIGANAS)
tel: + /373/ 68 495744

For more detailes about the 1st and 2nd phaze of INTERVENTIONS project
please visit these pages:

INTERVENTIONS1 | 2006 - 2007

The INTERVENTIONS3 project is organized in partnership with UNAgaleria /
Bucharest and STATE of EMERGENCY magazine for literature, art and
attitude, with the financial support of the Latin Union (office from
Republic of Moldova), Romanian Cultural Institute through the CANTEMIR
Program, European Cultural Foundation and Henkel Romania.

Vladimir US

INTERVENTII3 | director de proiect

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